Creativity and experience are the most valuable players for us
How can a company intensify its relationships with business partners and motivate employees?
What does a product need to establish itself as a brand?
In all cases, it's about people and the right way to address them, about building, promoting and maintaining recognition, conviction and trust. livewelt has built up special expertise in consulting, conception and implementation over many years.

Whether on wheels through Scotland or sailing off Majorca, on large construction sites in Bochum or barbecuing in Essen, at the Bauma in Munich or the Eurobike in Friedrichshafen, whether with graffiti in Dresden or breakdancing in Kiel: we will impressively implement your event, incentive, promotion or road show and put your company in the limelight.
From preparation to support to joint debriefing - we are live on site for you.
Was braucht ein Produkt, um zur Marke zu werden? Wie macht man aus Kunden Fans? In allen Fällen geht es dabei um Menschen und ihre richtige Ansprache. Darum, gezielt Wiedererkennung, Überzeugung und Vertrauen aufzubauen, zu fördern und zu erhalten. livewelt hat dafür über viele Jahre eine besondere Expertise in Beratung, Konzeption und Umsetzung aufgebaut. Als Architekt für modernes Employer Branding und aussagekräftige Marketingkonzepte setzen wir auf die Verbindung von kraftvollen Inhalten und aufmerksamkeitsstarken Designelementen, um Marken und Botschaften die maximale Wirkung zu verleihen.

We are the Go To Guys for bits and bytes, the code kings of new territory, we make zeros attractive and ones understandable.
We master the entire keyboard of the digital world and make it profitably available to our customers: from simple business card websites and extensive multi-site homepages to complex shop and e-commerce systems.
We speak your language, whether Typo3, WordPress or Neos CMS, whether macOS, Windows, Android or iOS, we are digital.