livewelt digital
We focus on communication
We are the Go To Guys for bits and bytes, the code kings of uncharted territory, we make zeros attractive and ones understandable. We master the entire keyboard of the digital world and make it available to our customers at a profit: from simple business card websites to extensive multi-site homepages to complex shop and e-commerce systems. We speak your language, whether Typo3, WordPress or Neos CMS, whether macOS, Windows, Android or iOS. We are digital.

Websites and Apps
We develop the website or app that other agencies have always promised you. Each of our websites is responsive and freely expandable. Depending on your needs, from simple online business cards, landing pages (e.g. for trade fairs or events) to complex individual developments with content management systems. We advise you and decide together with you which system is best for you.

Shop systems
E-commerce is becoming more and more important - and the demands on the systems are increasing all the time. We guide you through the world of e-commerce platforms and shop systems. Depending on your requirements, we work with you to select the best module and support you not only with programming and design, but also with maintenance and marketing.

Search engine optimization (SEO)
There are currently around one billion websites worldwide, and the trend is rising. We help you to remain visible and present for your target group in the growing monster called the internet. Both technically and in terms of content, we create the optimal basis for a good search engine result and continuously optimise this using new findings or current algorithm developments.

Digitale Eventplattform
Digitale Events sind die moderne Art, um Menschen zu verbinden. Wir helfen Ihnen dabei, Ihre nächste Veranstaltung über das Internet zu streamen. Wir entwickeln für Sie eine individuelle, datenschutzkonforme Eventplattform, die vollständig an das Look & Feel Ihres Unternehmens angepasst ist. Die Digitalwelt enthält verschiedenen Räumen für einzelne Programmpunkte, interaktiven Features für Ihre Besucher und die Möglichkeit, alle Beiträge noch einmal on demand zu genießen.
- Websites
- Shop systems
- App programming
- Augmented reality
- Online marketing
- Search engine optimization
- Training for editors
- Content management system
- Digitale Eventplattform